Neoloticco Admin replied

338 weeks ago

Kill Command Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

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a5c7b9f00b Set in a near future, technology-reliant society is creating killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite Marine unit is helicoptered in to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility, to test the capabilities of the latest prototypes. They set up positions and make short work of the AI targets in the killing field. However, overnight their sentry goes missing, and when they find the corpse the next day they find themselves in the killing field and the tables have turned. The Marines fight to survive on an island that is overrun by an enemy intelligence far beyond their predecessors, which learns from their every move.
Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines.
Just watched Kill Command.<br/><br/>What is there to say? Thirty years ago, you'd go to a video store and there would be lots of futuristic sci fi/cyberpunk/distopian/futuristic military type films available for rental, most of which never made it to the cinema screen and starred actors you'd never heard of and would never see again. THIS is the 21st century version of those types of old VHS film.<br/><br/>Good things in this - the actors can all generally act and are pretty convincing, even in their death throes. The CGI special effects are exceptional in places, moreso for what is a clearly low budget film - the main antagonist (the big bad boy killing machine robot with caterpillar tracks) is truly awesome. Scared the crap out of me. There are times when you'd be forgiven for thinking it was actually a real model of a robot it's so well done. Why do they always make these killer robots look completely evil?? Anyway, it must be computer generated and its really good! The flying drones which repeatedly kept bugging the squad in the film were less convincing and while I'm sure they were needed to add to some of the scenes, they were generally a nuisance mainly because they were notrealistic.<br/><br/>Battle scenes, flying projectiles and explosions were all pretty awesome.<br/><br/>However,with everything I still found some faults. The complete lack of a back story of any kind at the outset was pretty lame really. The individual I watched this film with asked me 20 minutes into it if they had missed some kind of Blade Runner-esqe text introduction at the start that I may have fast forwarded… nope. There was none. It would have been much better with a clear back story.<br/><br/>The fact that these highly trained futuristic computer augmented soldiers seemed unable to see these clunky caterpillar tracked robots approaching them in a forest that was hardly dense was also a bit implausible… so you're telling me a highly trained soldier is sneaking about and this behemoth of a killer murder-droid with half a Sherman tank stuck to it manages to jump on him from out of no-where? Suspend your disbelief if you will, and remember, it's only sci fi. While I would have been disappointed if I'd been sitting in the cinema watching this it is certainly adequate for (and clearly made for) a home movie. My rating is 5 out of 10. I would watch this again and I'm sure it would be even better second time around.<br/><br/>Low budget film makers take note of this. This is what you should be equaling at the very least.
This film is actually pretty good. The acting is solid for most of the characters and the effects are very well done (especially considering the budget). The flying drones are the only elements that I would have considered changing. They were over-done and had too much screen time. Using them more sparingly would be nice. Even if they were in the same number of shots, showing themsomething simpler and for a shorter duration per shot would have helped. They were so tarted up that they seemed difficult to believea real-world element. Part of it was their movement which screamed "CGI motion curves" (yes, I used to be part of the visual FX industry – sorry). Note: Great job on the drop ship.<br/><br/>The scenes in the forest bordered on being a bit too long. However, once the characters made it to the built-up compound, things started to become more interesting mighty quick. I secretly hoped that the big black dude with the mega-gun would have survived. It looked like he was going to make it near the end, but alas….<br/><br/>And here's the key thing that I think would have helped the film a lot (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was considered in an earlier draft): The cyborg girl should have died and the C.O. should have mourned her loss at the end. That would have wrapped the story up nicely and have completed his character's transformation. The moment she died would have been the moment he truly realized that he should have given her the benefit of the doubt earlier. The audience would also have experienced a similar emotion; those who were suspicious of her character would have come to the conclusion that she was trustworthy and that it's unfair to judge too quickly. Plus, her death would have added weight to a story in need of a little more gravity.<br/><br/>Ultimately, I gave this a 7 instead of a 6 because I can see that it was done on a low budget and that the people who worked on it put in a great deal of effort. They proved that you don't have to break the bank to make a good film – you just have to have determination and discipline.

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last edited 260 weeks ago by Neoloticco
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